664회 닥터만 금요음악회 – 소프라노 김윤아 초청연주회

소프라노 김윤아

피아니스트 성은주



R. hahn -À Chloris

김효근 – 첫사랑

윤학준 – 마중

‘The Wizard of Oz’ – Over the rainbow

L.Bernstein – I hate music!

A cycle of five kid songs
1 . My name is Barbara
2. Jupiter has seven moons
3. I hate music!
4. A big indian and a little indian
5. I’m a person too

C.Chaminade – L’eté

E. Morricone – Cinema Padadiso

J.Strauss 2 – Spiel ich Unschuld vom Lande

  • Categories: Friday Concert